Bell had constructed an experimental telegraph, which began to work erroneously. This fact delivered a vision to Bell of how the voices might reproduce distantly. With this idea, he constructed a transmitter and a recipient, for which he received clear on March 7, 1876. When Bell and his assistant, Thomas A. Watson was preparing himself to try the mechanism newly constructed, Bell was spilt a bit of acid in his leg. Meanwhile, in another piece Watson was next to the recipient when suddenly listened clearly to the first telephonic message: " Mr. Watson, sees here, I need you! " Some hours after Bell had patented his invention, another American inventor, Elisha Gray, delivered a document warning to the office of patents of the United States that he, in California, had invented the telephone. The telephone is one of the systems of communication more used. It, as almost all the mass media, works on the basis of the electricity. The telephony is very extended in the whole world, for a few years there interfered the cellular telephone, which works without need of cables and can be taken easily to and from.
Guido: Now that you know about the history of the telephone, write the text again but this time with your own words.